Am Dienstag 12 April 2005 10.43 schrieb Frank Schönheit - Sun 
Microsystems, Inc.:
> Hi Josh,
> > Well, all quoted identifiers is fine *if* the identifiers come
> > from the database, not from the user.   And provided that they
> > don't get automatically uppercased before being quoted.
> I'm not sure whether I understood Wolfgang's original post right
> (it seems that two non-native English speakers communicating in
> English can be difficult, sometimes :),
indeed .-))

> so I am not sure whether he claims that OOo does change the case. 
If so, this is a bug - OOo shouldn't touch identifier case at all.
1. I should write: Quoting  of  identifiers in SQL-statements 
created by  a Basic program seems not necessary, because they are 
automatically created; one of the rare goodies for a basic 

2. Failed query 1: The MsgBox write the table identifier in Capitals 
followed by the chosen name in mixed Upper/lower case:
The query is working after renaming the table name in ALL CAPITALS.

3. Failed query 2: Two visual identical querys, one created with the 
wizard, the other with basic share not the same result

4. Enhancement 1: Want a simple 'rename' function for a table in OOo 
Base Menu 'Tables'

5. Enhancement 2: Want to edit existing items in a table (name, 
length, data type (yes, I now what is behind)), key (yes) but a 
developer should now, what a user has to do, when he must change 
the key to 'auto'.

6. Unstable behavior: All Tables gone

and yes, each of this tings should be written in a own thread. But I 
was angry and tired.

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