hi Frank,
Am Freitag 15 April 2005 09.13 schrieb Frank Schönheit - Sun 
Microsystems, Inc.:
> Hi Wolfgang,
> > Writing
> >     <snip all necessary statements>
> >     oQuery.Command = "SELECT * FROM " & "Journal"
> > the table (also all other names) was not found.
> with
>   sQuoteChar = oConnection.getMetaData().getIdentifierQuoteString
> try adding the |sQuoteChar| before and after the table name.
will check it with .m93, have rebuild all tables with .m91 using 

> If you don't have a connection, yet, obtain one from the data
> source by oConnection = oDataSource.getConnection( "", "" )
> but don't forget to clean it up later on, to not leak resources:
>   oConnection.close()
normally used :-))

> > Strange, all other statements accept strings with mixed case
> which ones do?
things like 'getByName' (and not all SQL - Satements?)

> If you do anything via the user interface, OOo adds the quote
> character automatically, and often transparently so you won't
> notice it.
I like comfort

> > All Tables gone ? :-((
> > Reason?
> Don't know :(
> If you copy the .odb file to .zip, and look into it with an unzip
> tool - what do you see?
could look into without copying using KDE Konqueror, but rebuild is 
done using the same name. Sorry


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