Am Montag, den 02.07.2007, 10:58 +0200 schrieb Frank Schönheit - Sun
Microsystems Germany:
> Hi Marc,
> > Hm, I didn't think about views or "keyless" queries here ... how does
> > the current implementation work, maybe tuning the client side search
> > algorithm or changing the view update policy (only every 10th or 100th
> > value) could help a lot?
> Well, the field formatting requires exactly that the value is displayed
> in the respective control/field, and then compared with the search term.
> The original intention was to allow searching for substrings in such
> fields, which is up to impossible when you don't apply the same
> formatting as the field has. So, leaving out the updates is not a good
> option.

I do not understand completely. Isn't it possible to get the displayed
string from the view (aka control in this case)?

>  However, it might be possible to solve this differently
> (finally, it's only the same formatting which is required to be used.
> This does not necessarily imply we must have the overhead of all those
> field updates.)

Looking at it from my experiences this is most likely the case. Updating
the GUI is one of the most time consuming tasks generally.

> For other bottlenecks, we'd need to do a detailed profiling, perhaps we
> would detect some hot spots.

This leads back to the remark from my last mail. How much effort would
that be for someone never having compiled the office and necessary
environment (solver?) herself?

I don't know if it would help potential developers if there were some
UML diagrams or something making the internals of base more clear. Sort
of tutorial supplements ... for myself I can say reading the XML filter
docs with some graphical "explanations" did help a lot in understanding
what going on.


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