Am Freitag, den 30.11.2007, 22:18 +0100 schrieb Frank Schönheit - Sun
Microsystems Germany: 
> Hi Marc,


> > Dragging .dbf .. no it was .DBF or .csv onto a base docs table win
> > doesn't already, but I assume this is a question of configuration. For
> > me (on win98se I must admit =:) it still starts a calc window.
> Hmm, this never was the goal :). The goal was a UNO wrapper around the
> copy table wizard, nothing more.
> Now that you mention it ... it would probably be peanuts to implement
> the behavior you describe (it wasn't before, since in the course of
> writing the wrapper, I reworked to wizard to allow sources which are not
> in a .odb, which is a pre-requisite). However, I think I leave the
> import functionality up to an extension :)

I will thoroughly think about it, since I often have to convert
different data formats into something else in "Kannst Du mal
eben?"-style. So this functionality would be really helpful ... ;)

Can you give some hints about how to hook up to the "OnDrop"-event or
similar when the user drops or paste's the data into bases table window?

The rest should be somewhat straightforward. I'd most probably use
BASIC, but I fear in this case that won't help currently - another
option would be to wait for 3.0 and i49133.


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