Hi Max,

Maximilian Odendahl wrote:
Hi Frank,

back from vacation and exams, I have some issue in cws sqlsyntaxhighlighting, would be great if you could help out once you find some time:

- I tried adding a new group in the appearance dialog and one new entry. * The group appears, but the caption is not shown * the colorbox and window appear just fine, but I get an assertion that ressource 174 and 175 (the one from the colorbox and window) can not be found in the resource file, what am missing?
I don't look at the code but I missed sometimes is to copy the res files into the OOo/program/resource folder. :-) And do you add the SQL color to the module officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/UI.xcs ? I don't see that this module is added to your cws.

- oj
*trying to get the value does also not seem to work, I always get the default one, although it is saved upon closing and restarting the application.

I guess you did all that already once for the Base Extension and know the pitfalls ;-)

- by simply adding svtools::ColorConfig m_aColorConfig to my new control MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight, it crashes, to verify, just open and close the SQL view. The crash seems to come from ColorConfig::~ColorConfig() when calling EndListening( *m_pImpl), no idea what's going on there. If I use ColorConfig as a local variable in my highlighting routine, it does not crash, but I guess just creating it once makes more sense.

Some help and pointers would be great, everything should be available in the cws. Feel free to submit any changes ;-)

Best regards

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