Hi Maximilian,

> back from vacation and exams, I have some issue in cws 
> sqlsyntaxhighlighting, would be great if you could help out once you 
> find some time:

need to get a copy of the CWS here to have a deeper look, this will take
a while.

> - I tried adding a new group in the appearance dialog and one new 
> entry.        * The group appears, but the caption is not shown
>       * the colorbox and window appear just fine, but I get an                
>         assertion 
> that ressource 174 and 175 (the one from the colorbox                 and 
> window) can 
> not be found in the resource file, what am                    missing?

Which reminds me of an open issue in the current versions - everytime
you open the stylist, you get a similar assertion about a missing
resource, because this resource is looked up in the wrong .res file.

Perhaps the effect you see is something similar, and not really related
to your CWS. But that's just wild guessing for the moment.

>       *trying to get the value does also not seem to work, I always           
>         get 
> the default one, although it is saved upon closing and                        
> restarting the 
> application.
> I guess you did all that already once for the Base Extension and know 
> the pitfalls ;-)

Ocke did - since he didn't mention pitfalls, there are none :-)

> - by simply adding svtools::ColorConfig m_aColorConfig to my new control 
>   MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight, it crashes, to verify, just open and 
> close the SQL view. The crash seems to come from 
> ColorConfig::~ColorConfig() when calling EndListening( *m_pImpl), no 
> idea what's going on there. If I use ColorConfig as a local variable in 
> my highlighting routine, it does not crash, but I guess just creating it 
> once makes more sense.

ColorConfig has, as all the FooConfig classes in svtools, a ref-counted
impl class. So, as long as there's one instance already, creating new
ones is cheap. However, since it's not known which other components hold
a ColorConfig instance (I thought there was a time when the Application
did so, but I did not find such code right now ...), that's in fact
nothing to rely upon.

I need to have a look into the crash to get an idea of it ... see above.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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