Hi Max,

> I'll take it back after I had another look myself, could you have a 
> look? It seems I can't find the issue here.

two problems here:
- optcolor.src:448: Should be SQLIDENTIFIER instead of BASICIDENTIFIER
  (copy'n'paste error)
- optcolor.cxx: aSQLFT should be declared after aSQLBackWN, not before
  it. Member declaration order controls member initialization order,
  which in turn controls Z-ordering (i.e. which control is painted "on
  the top" of which other control(s)). At the moment, the fixed text is
  covered by the BackWindow, thus you don't see the heading.

I have to admit that the optcolor code looks ... ehm, to say it in a way
lawyers can't sue me for: It's difficult to maintain. So, I am not
really surprised that extending it is difficult, too ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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