Hi Richard,

On 23 December 2016 at 19:19, Richard S. Hall <he...@ungoverned.org> wrote:

> I'm not for changing the policy. The whole point behind the policy is that
> anything that we released is in some way blessed and lives forever. If we
> release packages in the OSGi namespace, they look official even potentially
> after the OSGi Alliance dumps an RFC (ala Gogo). There is no way for us to
> retract a release.

There will be org.osgi.something API but it will be with a version < 1,
like 0.1 or something like that. Additionally it will have the mandatory
attribute on it as discussed above something like provisional="felix". The
fact that the version is less than one means that it will never clash with
OSGi released API. These two factors mean that nobody will accidentally use
this API. The users will have to put the mandatory attribute on the import
in order to use it.

> So, yes, it makes the process a little bit of a pain, but that was sort of
> the point, so we could make the status clear. Besides, using a temporary
> package name until a spec if final and then doing a global search/replace
> when it goes final isn't really that painful.
I think that experience over the years tells us that the temporary package
name basically means that nobody uses it. I think that others on this
thread have echoed that the temporary package name doesn't work for them.

As you say the process is a bit of a pain and my point is that this stands
in the way of adoption and feedback of new APIs. With this modification to
the policy adoption and feedback becomes easier and less painful while we
still retain the barriers that require people to consciously decide to use
the provisional API...



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