Guys we need to wrap up this discussion. I'm not sure where are we standing but 
still have a bunch of questions.

A few things that look clear to me thus far
- We'll request every contributor to submit a CLA. Filing instructions are 
provided in the Individual Contributor License Agreement itself available here
- Every contributor will have to expressly communicate intention for 
contributing with the project's documentation sending a email to

Some things still pending
- Having a CLA on file will suffice to grant edit access to the doc or we'll 
seek PMC voting?
- Although a CLA is ASF wide we should provide access to only those interested 
in contributing to Geronimo's documentation. Do we already keep a separate list?
- When do we make effective such access restriction?
- What Confluence spaces will be affected?
- How do we deal with existing content? We can not apply this retroactively.

Once all these are sorted out I'll update the Apache Geronimo Policies on the 
web site ( to reflect these 


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