On 02/03/15 16:07, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
That's the style used by Apache Commons (+ Java package rename) - but
there it is not for build reasons but for co-existence as a Maven

Co-existence is NOT going to work for all sorts of reasons ...

In Jena, both fuseki versions use the package name
org.apache.jena.fuseki and so can't co-exist on the classpath.

And the dependencies like Jetty ... something Apache Commons does not have to deal with.

Done "proper" this should probably just be two branches in a separate
jena-fuseki repository.. but as you always would want to release both
Fusekis whenever there's a new Jena (but not necessarily a new Jena
when there's a new Fuseki) I understand why you have put them all

Would it make sense for fuseki to be used as a Maven dependency? If it
is, then I would stick with whatever artifactId it ends up with, so if
becomes jena-fuseki2 now, then that's it.

v1 - not really (see other email).
v2 - yes

If not - perhaps just take jena-fuseki2 out of the master pom.xml and
build+tag it separately (longer release process, easier to forget).
Release plugin should ask you how to settle the SNAPSHOT dependencies
on Jena. When time comes, you can swap around so that jena-fuseki2 is
in the master pom.xml instead of fuseki 1.

This (which is almost like splitting to a separate git repo) might
make sense if there will be further work on Fuseki 2 that is
independent from Jena (specially as we move to Jena 3?) -- it does
need some more to be complete on the UI side, which seems to be what
people fall in love with.

As the v1 UI is basic, I think "need" is a bit out of place.

v2 UI should be at least as good as v1.

On 2 March 2015 at 15:37, Rob Vesse <rve...@dotnetrdf.org> wrote:
I think it is a more general limitation of Maven

Probably easiest thing is to call it jena-fuseki2 for the time being and
then at such time as 2.x is sufficiently stable to replace 1.x we can
rename again


On 28/02/2015 16:59, "Andy Seaborne" <a...@apache.org> wrote:

There'll be a bit of a delay in building Jena 2.13.0.

In our setup, the release process can't not handle having multiple
versions of the same artifact (org.apache.jena:jena-fuseki).  Then the
reactor has duplicates and maven stops with an error.

Looks like it is the release plugin.

Whether this is because we are using an old(ish) apache parent or
whether it's an on-going problem, isn't clear yet.  Trying things out is
a slow process. Maybe a change of artifact name is needed, which itself
then needs checking in case that cascades in any way.  Or two build

   mvn -s settings.xml release:prepare -DdryRun=true
then fails
   mvn -s settings.xml release:prepare



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