Clytie, Ain (?)

I have 2 questions: why is the translate toolkit necessary ? And why aren't there any references to OLT ? The French community receives .xlz files and would be unable to follow the howto since it is exclusively based on po files (which is not a bad thing in the absolute, but that is a different issue).

It seems to me the document addresses team leader's needs and not really translators who will certainly not have to deal with most of what is described on the document.

Also, I fear the described process is very likely to not attract people who are translators and who could contribute quality work because it is what they do for a living. It is way to geeky.

I understand the fact that a lot of people involved in FOSS l10n are familiar with most of the concepts and tools presented there. But now that OOo has grown well beyond geek zone, it seems to me most of the document's contents are not (or should not be) relevant to what a potential translation contributor should really be familiar with.

I suggest experienced team leaders edit the file to make a clear distinction between the leader's job and the translator's job.


On 19 janv. 07, at 15:08, Clytie Siddall wrote:

Hi everyone :)

After last night's L10N IRC meeting, where we did mention the need for l10n howtos, especially for new translators, I have published Ain's howto in the wiki: NLC:New_Translators_Start_here

I've added bits and pieces, but it's basically all Ain's work. :)

I've linked it from the main NLP page. We don't seem to have a main L10N page in the wiki.

I couldn't get footnotes working, so there are notes in parentheses. :(

I hope this doc. is useful. It embodies a whole list of things I had to find out by accident, or by persistent questioning, during this first release (2.1).

I couldn't find the link to Pavel's blog instructions on submitting files to him for build. Does someone have it, please?

Please feel free to amend this doc or add to it. :)

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