Hi again :)

On 19/01/2007, at 6:47 PM, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

Apologies Clytie, I did not mean to sound harsh :)


I was on the IRC last night (brandelune)

I wish there were tooltips or something so you could tell who people are.

and seriously, I am very impressed at all the work that is being done on the community side. I currently am more involved at NetBeans, but we don't have to worry so much since all the files are java l10n bundle.properties so it is much easier to handle, plus the project is in itself smaller in scope.

I am slowly digesting the OOo-l10n related stuff

It does take a while. I'm still blundering into things I should know. That's why I'm trying to document some of the basics. But I can only give a newcomer's POV, which I know is useful when writing intro docs, but we need the experienced POVs too. Anything I put up on the wiki is introductory, to encourage more participation.

and even though I am only contributing a very small part of the French bundle I'd really like to get more involved. Give me some time !

It would be great if you could be more involved. No rush. :)

ps: OmegaT has a PO filter given to us last year by a Debian-fr activist... :)

I was wondering about using it with those dratted Help files. Have you seen them? XML and lots of repetition.

ps2: I just registered to the wiki

All good. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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