starting from today I'll have some more free time to dedicate to OOo
L10N so I'd like to start working on it. I'm wondering whether the
Italian team should use OmegaT or poEdit to translate the OLH and
possibly the GUI (using Pootle as a translation workflow manager).

Petr, Rafaella, can I go ahead and use OmegaT?


I noticed that the TMX I created with translate-toolkit from the
pseudo-translated .sdf are not useable because for some reason the
po2tmx script systematically removed one escape "\" character from
the original po file.

Hi Jean-Christophe

Please elaborate on the problem so that we can find out where the error comes in and fix it if necessary. You can reply here, in private mail or
the translate-toolkit mailing list - as you prefer.


Thank you very much.

To put it simply, I did:

oo2po and then po2tm from the .sdf file that compose the current job.

At first I did not notice anything but after a few segments, I found what I was lucky to capture in the screenshot I linked to the other day:


the green background segment is the oo2po file pretty much without modifications (notice the fact that all the "\" are doubled, the "\\" even come as "\\\")

the lower part shows you the po2tmx segment matching the current source: the contents should be identical but you'll see that there are systematically "\" missing.

I re-created the tmx with Heartsome's XLFEdit and got a file matching the source segment properly.

The original .sdf does not contain the extra "\" though, so I suppose they are put there in the oo2po process, which is fine, as long as they stay there all the way :)


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