Sorry I'm commenting on this thread a bit late.

Like other translators here, I work in a variety of FLOSS projects. So my main workflow is PO-based. Despite that, I believe that XLIFF is the best direction for translator workflow. It is the standard, and like the other XML standards (e.g. OpenDocument), it makes it much easier to transfer and manage data.

We already have XLIFF tools (e.g. [1] [2]).

As far as translation editors are concerned, the WordForge offline editor will handle the XLIFF and just leave you with the translatable text. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't run on Mac OSX.

I'm not sure where the Kbabel-XLIFF integration process is right now.

On Mac OSX, LocFactoryEditor [3] has supported XLIFF, PO and a variety of other formats from the beginning (at least three years ago). All its data is processed in XLIFF, and converted to the other formats. You see only the translatable text, plus any context or added information you request.

This is a screenshot of a PO file in LFE:

Pootle will also be transiting from PO to XLIFF as the base format.

Getting the translatable strings in XLIFF format would be a huge help: the XLIFF metadata capability alone would save us a lot of time, give us extensive contextual functions and make it possible to track individual changes and contributions effectively.

If keeps using SDF (which is not a localization format), we lose our metadata from PO (or XLIFF) each time we convert to SDF.

We would need an upgrade process for strings that somehow retains that metadata on our side. I don't know how we could do that.

The main argument against adopting XLIFF (the standard for localization) for, apparently, when I logged an issue requesting this change, was that it would create larger files and thus slow down the build process.

This is not a localization problem. However, since we seem stuck with the effects of it not being addressed, is there some way we can strip the extra data out to create _build-only_ files (SDF if preferred), leaving the XLIFF files intact for us to manage?

from Clytie

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team




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