On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 23:19 +0100, Steven Pauwels wrote:
> I think that if someone has a violent objection to the label that the 
> community chooses by vote, he should start his own OOo distribution. It 
> is completely respectless to the efforts put in by the art project, and 
> the decission made by the marketing project members, to use another.
> This is one of the reasons people find it difficult to work for OOo 
> marketing. For Gods sake... make up your minds...
> You vote but nevertheless we should use them all... this is 
> contra-productive and completely demotivating.

It's not intended to be. We're an open-source project, not a monopoly
supplier - we can't say "You must put this 'Fred Computers Inc
recommends OpenOffice.org' logo on every advert or we'll cut you off our
preferred price plan"

> John... Take your co-leads responsability to actually lead.

We can only lead by the excellence of what we do. If we provide world
class artwork, why would anyone choose *not* to use it?


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