Hi all,

The i or I issue: please consider that the OEM label will not have the size it has on your screen, and that it will be printed, which uses a higher LPI then the 72 DPI on your screen, so any dot on screen could be divided into minimum 5 upto 50 lines per dot. This changes the scharpness and perception. The best way to visualise a small (say 1x1") label is to show it as large as possible on a screen and then take distance to look at it. This is the closest to a match you will get. When printed, the I can be an l. Each one of you looking at the label knows it says included. A first time viewer does not know. This results in a readability issue that should not be one, since it is been widely accepted to use *either* capitals or minuscules (french word I do not know the englisch word for lower case letter) in one word or even in a sentence:

this adds something to it

@ John: Leading a marketing project demands vast knowledge of marketing techniques (if you know nothing about print, you should find someone who knows and trust their knowledge. This goes for any other technical aspect you might encounter when trying to market a product.) as well of people management to obtain the maximum measurable result. OOo marketing is about the most uncoordinated marketing effort I have *ever* seen and believe me I have seen a lot.

As Ian says, why bother using one of the OEM labels created by OOo's osn art project and voted by the marketing members, if their marketing co lead sends out a message that the arts project effort to come to a OEM label by using a democrative way to decide, is useless and they should all be available?

My advice to the art project would be: take your own responsability and vote among art project members. Then present the OEM label on a page and say this is the official one.

John, it is time to wake up from the dream that Open Source is the same thing as: do whatever you like whenever you feel like it and how you want to do it I basically don't care as long as you do it. This works fine if all volunteers would be professionals and be in some sort of a self-organising universe that works without intervention... It is a *dream never to come true*.

The OOo marketing community is crying out loud for some organisational management and the marketing PL does not give a sh*t.

If it is a problem of time, pre-occupence or knowhow.... the best way to solve that problem is to actually let some people take some responsability and not trying to restrict everything to a bundle that fits your hand so you can hold on to it.

I do not know why I even bother trying to explain all this... Marketing PL says: euh... we do it this way... and that ends all discussion. How about being open to experience and knowledge? And I am not talking about mine...

Steven P

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