there are 4 classpath properties you pass to the maven-ant runtime environment
                <property name="compile_classpath" 
                <property name="runtime_classpath" 
                <property name="test_classpath" refid="maven.test.classpath"/>
                <property name="plugin_classpath" 
refid="maven.plugin.classpath"/if the missing jar is located on 
maven.runtime.classpath then the ant runtime should resolve the classpath

when you get a chance could you explain why you are repackaging maven in an ant 
seems like you're effort is to stuff a mercedes engine in a yugo 
Martin Gainty 
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> From:
> Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 05:44:37 +0530
> Subject: Re: [Gentoo-Maven-Intg] plexus-velocity missing - 
> maven-remote-resources-plugin fails with a ClassNotFoundException
> To:
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 12:30 AM, Hervé BOUTEMY <>wrote:
> > Le samedi 2 juillet 2011, Kasun Gajasinghe a écrit :
> > > No, you are not discouraging me in anyway. This stage is just the first
> > > step of a much wider task. The ultimate goal of this work is to provide
> > > the ability to package maven-based builds to Gentoo system. Gentoo
> > > encourages and the package-management installs packages by first
> > compiling
> > > them from source. So, as you can understand, if the package source uses
> > > maven as the build management tool, it needs maven to do the building and
> > > generate the jar.
> > >
> > > Further, there are other constraints involved. Mainly the packages should
> > > be able to use the existing jars available in the system (under
> > > /usr/share), and we've are not strict about having a specific version as
> > a
> > > dep as long the existing system jar is api-compatible.
> > honestly, this is the part I really doubt about: it will be hard to do
> > (will
> > need to change the way Maven resolves dependencies), and I expect there
> > will
> > be a lot of failures since dependencies version modification in general
> > causes
> > failures.
> >
> > As a proof of concept, I find the task fun.
> > As a user, I expect a lot of problems and wouldn't really be confident
> > about
> > this.
> >
> >
> To re-iterate, as a 'user' this will have a 'normal' behavior of Maven. It's
> the system part that will be different, and have the said constraints.
> And, maven is packaged with almost the same dependency versions of Maven.
> There were few exceptions in some Plexus packages, but the versions are
> close enough and api-compatible. Do you really think this leads to the said
> error?
> But if you want to try, why not :)
> >
> Well, we have packaged ant and is in a good working condition. Now,
> unfortunately, maven-based projects don't have a simpler way to package
> their projects, to be installed via portage (the package mgt system). We are
> going to provide a direct way for this.
> --Kasun
> -- 
> ~~~*******'''''''''''''*******~~~
> Kasun Gajasinghe,
> University of Moratuwa,
> Sri Lanka.
> Blog:
> Twitter:

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