On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 6/25/08, simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 10:59 -0400, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> wrote:
> >  > > > s:validateCompareTo
> >  > > >
> >  > >  And all that code about independently converting a component's
> submitted
> >  > > value makes me a little nervous. It looks ok, but has anyone
> properly
> >  > > reviewed it?
> >  >

Previouly to move s:validateCompareTo, I solved some issues. In this task, I
made some
very simple examples on myfaces-commons-examples and works well.

> >  > The code was pretty much copied verbatim from the Myfaces JSF core.
> >  > In any case, the component has been used by several people for several
> >  > years now, and no one has complained.   If it's a problem down the
> >  > road, I'm sure someone will open a JIRA issue and we can address it at
> >  > that time.
> >
> >
> > It occurred to me after looking at the code that an alternative might be
> >  to queue an event from the validator. The event should be processed only
> >  at the end of the validation phase, at which time all conversion has
> >  already been done. That could simplify the converter - and it does feel
> >  more elegant to me than having one validator poking around inside
> >  another one.
> Yes, that idea sounds better.   I admit that it's a bit scary that the
> component has to rely on the implementation code from MyFaces.  Even
> though it uses public APIs, in practice, it might break on another
> implementation.
> >  > > > In tomahawk core, the related files should be moved from
> sandbox/core to
> >  > > core. In tomahawk core12, a new  dependency to
> myfaces-commons-converters
> >  > > 1.2.x and myfaces-commons-validators 1.2.x should be added, so the
> tomahawk
> >  > > core12 tld reference validators and converters from these projects.
> This
> >  > > introduce a change because
> >  > > > the validatorId and converterId for this components changes
> (because this
> >  > > converters are defined on myfaces-commons) only on core12.
> >  > >
> >  > >  I don't like the idea of tomahawk1.x having these components
> internally,
> >  > > while tomahawk2.x uses the version from commons. It's ugly and
> confusing.
> >  > >
> >  > >  While code duplication is never nice, I think it would be better
> for
> >  > > tomahawk 1.1.x and 1.2.x to continue to have these components
> internally,
> >  > > and for commons to have a separate version. It also means that
> commons can
> >  > > clean up the API without breaking tomahawk users. Yes, it does mean
> having
> >  > > to apply fixes in two places (tomahawk, commons) but so does the
> alternative
> >  > > (tomahawk 1.x, commons).
> >  >
> >  > I say we mark the tomahawk validator and converter components as
> >  > deprecated, leaving them as they are and where they are, and copy
> >  > everything to commons.
> >  >
> >  > No one is forced to upgrade unless they need something fixed or
> >  > enhanced, but we don't maintain it in multiple places.
> >
> >
> > I've lost track now. Is there going to be a commons 1.1.x version or
> >  not?
> >
> >  If there is a commons-1.1.x then I agree my suggestion was completely
> >  wrong. These are just sandbox components. So we could move them directly
> >  into commons, and not promote them into tomahawk at all.
> >
> >  Or possibly leave the original in the sandbox for a while, marked as
> >  deprecated so people have some time to migrate. But I'm not sure that is
> >  needed for sandbox features.
> >
> >  And there would be no dependency from tomahawk to commons. If people
> >  want these, they add the commons lib to their path. The commons libs do
> >  contain their own tld (with its own namespace), yes?
> Does it really matter if there's a commons 1.1?   Tomahawk 1.1 is fast
> approaching the end of its lifecycle.

I agree. The idea is going forward with tomahawk 1.2 (or
myfaces-extensions-xxxx), so why waste
 time on commons 1.1 (taking into account what the community think about it)

> Leave it deprecated in Tomahawk 1.1 (and sandbox).   We would want to
> do that anyway for backwards compatibility.   Drop it from Tomahawk
> post-1.1 (and sandbox).

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