Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
So my question is, are we going to host it inside of myfaces as its own
subproject or as part of the sandbox or maybe I can move the codebase over
to its own project outside of apache (jsfcomp for instance might be a
perfect place until the entire complib is matured enough)

since it was developed outside of the Apache community,
this is something that needs

a) incubation
b) software grant

Not sure if the development is outside of the apache community
the I wrote basically every single line of code so far myself.
(Except for dojo)

The extensive table component which is pending, is a shared work
with all people involved having committer rights or having
at least signed the the apache contributors license agreement.

The only thing not done yet is basically that it is not committed
into the core codebase but hosted privately.

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