Hi Matthias and Simon,

Thank you for taking time do discuss to proper way to include the myfaces params into the ajax tag. To clarify things, here is what they do:

pps (true/false): Only the components named in the "execute" parameter will be processed in phase 2-4, but the spec insists on submitting all elements included in a form. If pps is set to true submission is reduced to the form params named in execute.

queuesize: The spec specifies an unlimited ajax queue, though for most usages a queue size of 1 is appropriate. This param makes the queue size configurable.

errorlevel: Javascript errors occuring during ajax execution would by default be suppressed, but with higher levels they would be signaled.

As Simon said, inclusion into f:ajax is probably not a good idea, because applications using JSP+Mojarra would break when containing the additional param. On the other hand I agree with Matthias that t:ajax would tie the use to tomahawk.

I really like Simons proposal for f:attributes nested inside f:ajax, +1 on this one!

Best Regards,

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