Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Werner Punz <> wrote:
Actually We probably can provide a non facelets based solution
under the myfaces umbrella, tomahawk, extensions or impl I donĀ“t care
but I am definitely sure we will be unable to provide it under
the standard f: tags...

yeah. I know. I am really wondering why the "support all views" ship
sailed away.
Again, I understand that some solutions may only fly in Facelets land...

That said, but wasn't the promised goal of the formal/current EG that
a flexible ViewLayer was
the KEY ? ==> Swing-based RenderKit etc ? Or is this (JSF) just another
web-framework ?

Well the entire ajax part makes only sense in the web domain.
f:ajax definitely is not suitable for swing and others.

Btw. so far I have not seen to many applications of jsf
outside of the html realm, I have seen the oracle demo
with their vt220 based rendering, and there is some old
wap code lingering around in myfaces, but outside of that?

On the other hand the load of abstractions within JSF does not make
things easier has not made things easier on the web side, especially
when we had to deal with ajax, or just simply turning off validation on
a case by case base...


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