Adding Michael back since I responded to him and he might not be on the list...

On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 3:23 PM Brennan Ashton
<> wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2023, 3:11 PM Michael Gielda <> wrote:
>> Hi Alan, nice to meet you Nathan,
>> Indeed, we discussed with Alan some time ago, having a Nuttx-focused
>> dashboard can be done and we assume would be useful. We just didn’t get to
>> that as it would have been yet another research project (we are now also
>> building a U-Boot dashboard, as we added 64-bit Cortex-A support -
>> - as well as
>> Cortex-R). But if there is interest, perhaps it’s worth revisiting the idea.
>> On our end, we base the simulation platform configuration on Zephyr, so we
>> basically need a mapping of platforms in Nuttx to their “Zephyr names” - we
>> can start of course with 1-2 and expand to more with time.
>> Best regards,
>> Michael
> Hey Michael,
> I actually had used renode when added upstream support a few years ago with 
> the QuickLogic EOS S3, and it was quite helpful.  That's when I talked a bit 
> about seeing if we could use it as a test platform here. 
> One of the reasons I added support to export build artifacts in CI was to 
> enable having downstream stages that can pick up the already generated elf.
> One thing at the time I hit with the targets I tested was some assumptions 
> around power and clock management that prevented NuttX from booting (waiting 
> for status bits usually).  So if we do go down this route I suspect we will 
> need to upstream some of those bits to the emulation which I don't recall 
> being too complicated.
> If people have a supported platform they would like to see I would be happy 
> to wire a proof of concept through.
> --Brennan

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