This is a good tool to use. Just one small point of clarification: the decision on when to release will have nothing to do with what is in Jira. Because there is no top-down management of OFBiz, and we have not decided to take on the burden of the practice of voting about which features will go into a release, we can't really allow anyone who can create a Jira issue delay the release, or it would likely NEVER be released.

As I've said many times, the functionality of the release is somewhat arbitrary. A lot more has happened in the last 2 years than we can possibly do in the space of a few weeks, and the 2 years is the point of the new release branch, not the 2 weeks. In general the priority in a release branch is stability, and not new features. In fact, the whole idea is to support users who want to sacrifice new features for the sake of stability.

On the other hand, we don't want to leave too much hanging just before a release branch... mostly for our own sake because it means we'll have double the work back-porting all of the fixes that we already know will have to go into the trunk back to the release branch (mostly major fixes requiring refactoring and such).


On Mar 26, 2009, at 11:23 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:

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someone set up a jiras list for the release.
those jiras that need to be completed.
How about creating jiras for all these
then someone can be pointed to it as things they can do to help.

David E Jones sent the following on 3/26/2009 9:19 AM:

I'm thinking we should delay the release branch for a couple of weeks.
Some reasons:

1. more opportunity to collaborate with the PRC on the press release

2. time to find and fix more issue relating to the new security policy of no fields submitted to service-backed events in the URL, ie the link
to form conversion thingy that is underway (I thought we were closer
than we are, and I'm guessing it will take a little time for all of
these to shake out)

3. time to get myportal generalized and moved to framework

4. time to get the new OFBiz home page and sub-content in place, and
time for more people (outside of the PMC so far) to offer feedback on it

5. opportunity to compile a larger list of new features (basically
effort going into expanding the "Main New Features" page), and perhaps other marketing related things in and outside of OFBiz (ie: if you are a service or derivative work or whatever provider, this is your chance to
fancy up your web site and other things before the PR push related to
the release branch!)

6. other things?

In short, there are a few things up in the air that would be nice to
have happen around the same time as the release branch. It's true that
the cutoff date for the release branch is somewhat arbitrary, or in
other words that features in the branch aren't as big a deal as the
focus for the release branch is stabilization and not new features.
Still, this release branch should be the main stabilized branch for the
next 1-2 years for OFBiz, so fixing issues we know are in the trunk
before the branch will help things considerably.

We haven't voted on an official date or anything, and won't until the
actual date to release, so this is all about communication for the sake
of coordination.

Comments more than welcome. In fact, I demand that you comment right
now! ;)


On Mar 25, 2009, at 4:32 PM, David E Jones wrote:

I've started putting together some ideas for the press release for our
upcoming release branch. The time is a little tight... I had planned
on doing this last week but it got lost among other things.

To facilitate collaboration on this I've created a confluence page for
it here:

Before writing the actual press release I thought we should do some
brainstorming, so please add thoughts there (if you are a committer)
or respond to this message with other thoughts.

I'm going to send a message to the ASF PRC to ask for their help and
guidance on this. It may be that they write the actual press release,
so our brainstorming thoughts and details we add there are probably
the most important part of what we as a community put into this.



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