
I’m very exciting about the new features and counting days for this release,
thanks for your effort.

2009/3/27 David E Jones <david.jo...@hotwaxmedia.com>

> I apologize, I thought we had discussed this and based on replies that
> there was a general understanding of what the point of a portal component in
> the framework would be.
> The general idea is to have a webapp that is part of the framework that any
> user can go to and see a "home" screen sort of thing that is appropriate for
> their role(s). In other words we would have a number of portal pages
> pre-configured for different roles, and permissions to determine ability to
> access each. If a user has a permission then the portal page is available to
> them, and there could more than one portal page.
> One of the nice things about the "portal" idea is that we can have a large
> library of "portlets", which would just be thinly wrapped screens and
> shouldn't be too hard to build (not automatic, but not tons of work either).
> With these in place a user can customize the OOTB portal pages or maybe even
> create their own.
> Anyway, this OOTB application would be a generic place to see the portal
> pages available and such. The reason to have it in the framework is to have
> it be a fundamental part of the project that other components can build on,
> mostly by configuring portal pages and pointing to portlets made available
> in that component or others in depends on.
> In short this enables an alternate, and easily configurable, UI.
> -David
> On Mar 26, 2009, at 7:16 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
> Hi David,
>> this sounds fine...thanks for taking the lead in this, excellent!
>> I do not quite understand what idea you have moving the myportal into
>> the framework because it think most of it is already there?
>> regards
>> Hans
>> On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 10:19 -0600, David E Jones wrote:
>>> I'm thinking we should delay the release branch for a couple of weeks.
>>> Some reasons:
>>> 1. more opportunity to collaborate with the PRC on the press release
>>> 2. time to find and fix more issue relating to the new security policy
>>> of no fields submitted to service-backed events in the URL, ie the
>>> link to form conversion thingy that is underway (I thought we were
>>> closer than we are, and I'm guessing it will take a little time for
>>> all of these to shake out)
>>> 3. time to get myportal generalized and moved to framework
>>> 4. time to get the new OFBiz home page and sub-content in place, and
>>> time for more people (outside of the PMC so far) to offer feedback on it
>>> 5. opportunity to compile a larger list of new features (basically
>>> effort going into expanding the "Main New Features" page), and perhaps
>>> other marketing related things in and outside of OFBiz (ie: if you are
>>> a service or derivative work or whatever provider, this is your chance
>>> to fancy up your web site and other things before the PR push related
>>> to the release branch!)
>>> 6. other things?
>>> In short, there are a few things up in the air that would be nice to
>>> have happen around the same time as the release branch. It's true that
>>> the cutoff date for the release branch is somewhat arbitrary, or in
>>> other words that features in the branch aren't as big a deal as the
>>> focus for the release branch is stabilization and not new features.
>>> Still, this release branch should be the main stabilized branch for
>>> the next 1-2 years for OFBiz, so fixing issues we know are in the
>>> trunk before the branch will help things considerably.
>>> We haven't voted on an official date or anything, and won't until the
>>> actual date to release, so this is all about communication for the
>>> sake of coordination.
>>> Comments more than welcome. In fact, I demand that you comment right
>>> now! ;)
>>> -David
>>> On Mar 25, 2009, at 4:32 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>> I've started putting together some ideas for the press release for
>>>> our upcoming release branch. The time is a little tight... I had
>>>> planned on doing this last week but it got lost among other things.
>>>> To facilitate collaboration on this I've created a confluence page
>>>> for it here:
>>>> http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBADMIN/Press+Release+for+Release+Branch+9.3
>>>> Before writing the actual press release I thought we should do some
>>>> brainstorming, so please add thoughts there (if you are a committer)
>>>> or respond to this message with other thoughts.
>>>> I'm going to send a message to the ASF PRC to ask for their help and
>>>> guidance on this. It may be that they write the actual press
>>>> release, so our brainstorming thoughts and details we add there are
>>>> probably the most important part of what we as a community put into
>>>> this.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -David
>>> --
>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates

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