Le mardi 15 décembre 2009 à 23:28 +1300, Scott Gray a écrit :
> Hi Erwan,
> It'll be another couple of days before I can make an informed comment,  
> I'm still very much in the learning phase.
> One question I do have, does anybody have selenium setup to run in a  
> continuous integration environment?
We do have some at nereide
> If you have lots of tests, how long to they take to run?  Is  
> SeleniumGrid a good solution to shortening the time a test run takes?
> So maybe a few questions :-)

The results here :
took 12 minutes for 13 tests
and the results here :
took about 20 minutes for 41 tests
That's a quite fast server. 4 proc, 8GB ram (those are html testSuite
using selenium-server.jar directly, perhaps using seleniumXML can change
the duration a little bit)

And loading a page is may be the only "long" stuff.

> I guess I'm still sitting here wondering if WebTest isn't a better  
> solution simply because it doesn't require a browser (just another ant  
> task) and the tests run faster.  I've never used either before so I'm  
> in the dark on these solutions.

I think that selenium is quite good because you can _really_ know how
long took a test, e.g we could also test how long it takes to purchase
1000 products (don't know if it will be still possible with webtest)


> Regards
> Scott
> HotWax Media
> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
> On 15/12/2009, at 10:07 PM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > As many of us are now looking into seleniumXML, I would like to  
> > discuss a bit more with you of the logging of errors and success in  
> > seleniumXml.
> >
> > Has anyone started something ? The changes that have to integrate  
> > are major and is would be great to coordinate our efforts.
> >
> > What I'm thinking is adding JUnit asserts at the end of a selenium  
> > command, to be able to create JUnit XML files and after creating a  
> > report. This will then help us to identify errors on the interface  
> > or in functional testcases.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -- 
> > Erwan de FERRIERES
> > www.nereide.biz

Matthieu BOLLOT

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