On 16/12/2009, at 10:00 AM, Nicolas Malin wrote:

Le mercredi 16 décembre 2009 à 09:36 +1300, Scott Gray a écrit :
That sounds like a good idea to me.  What would be awesome is if the
CI server could inspect the commit, determine the components/
applications affected and then only run the applicable tests.  Full
tests runs could be reserved for framework commits or something like

It's good idea for 90% change in applications components but with
integrate system as OFBiz some change on one component can generate
error on other components.

With Neogia we had 40 seleniums test and many alert from test came from
business component that selenium test didn't depends.

With OFBiz structure we can run full test when operate change in
application and framework (for me application is also a business
framework ;) ) and only a component for not important framework
component (exemple, ...) and specialpurpose.

I think initially it will be perfectly fine to run every test for every commit but eventually (assuming people actually contribute tests) the number of tests may make this impractical and that is the point where we'll need to find ways of trimming down the test runs.



On 16/12/2009, at 3:13 AM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

One thing that we could easily do is put together a continuous
integration that has several branches - one that is run immediately
upon each of the commits and one that is scheduled for a few times a
day for these longer running tests.  I agree that we definitely need
these in place, but breaking them up might:

1. Get people to write more unit tests that are quicker to run.
2. Get people to write more of the longer ones because those will
still be catching any potential issues.

Just a thought.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 15, 2009, at 4:01 AM, Matthieu Bollot wrote:

Le mardi 15 décembre 2009 à 23:28 +1300, Scott Gray a écrit :
Hi Erwan,

It'll be another couple of days before I can make an informed
I'm still very much in the learning phase.

One question I do have, does anybody have selenium setup to run in a
continuous integration environment?
We do have some at nereide
If you have lots of tests, how long to they take to run?  Is
SeleniumGrid a good solution to shortening the time a test run
So maybe a few questions :-)

The results here :
took 12 minutes for 13 tests
and the results here :
took about 20 minutes for 41 tests
That's a quite fast server. 4 proc, 8GB ram (those are html testSuite
using selenium-server.jar directly, perhaps using seleniumXML can
the duration a little bit)

And loading a page is may be the only "long" stuff.

I guess I'm still sitting here wondering if WebTest isn't a better
solution simply because it doesn't require a browser (just another
task) and the tests run faster.  I've never used either before so
in the dark on these solutions.

I think that selenium is quite good because you can _really_ know how
long took a test, e.g we could also test how long it takes to
1000 products (don't know if it will be still possible with webtest)



HotWax Media

On 15/12/2009, at 10:07 PM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

Hi all,

As many of us are now looking into seleniumXML, I would like to
discuss a bit more with you of the logging of errors and success in

Has anyone started something ? The changes that have to integrate
are major and is would be great to coordinate our efforts.

What I'm thinking is adding JUnit asserts at the end of a selenium command, to be able to create JUnit XML files and after creating a report. This will then help us to identify errors on the interface
or in functional testcases.



Matthieu BOLLOT

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

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