Comparision article:


On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Tim Ruppert
<> wrote:
> +1 - I like Prototype, but mostly because we know it well and JQuery was yet 
> the framework that it is today.  You're exactly right that Dojo is heavey and 
> Prototype is a library for javascript geeks :)  JQuery is likely the best 
> choice on the market right now.
> Cheers,
> Ruppert
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Sam Hamilton wrote:
>> It would make a number of my developers very happy if we migrated over
>> to jQuery. Its been described to me that Dojo is heavy and Prototype as
>> a library for javascript geeks where as jQuery is simpler, more flexible
>> and faster to use (coding is about 50% quicker than Prototype one
>> developer has reported), plus now that its community is really building
>> the number of plugins and scripts are increasing very fast.
>> Anyway a few links for people interested
>> Really I think it boils down that we pick one framework and then run
>> with it. All three are solid choices so then it really comes down to
>> making coding a pleasure in which case jQuery wins it for me.
>> Sam
>> On 09/06/2010 06:03, Scott Gray wrote:
>>> My personal opinion is that adding an additional layer of javascript has 
>>> more downsides that it does upsides.
>>> - More code to maintain
>>> - Slightly hackish, multi-parameter strings?
>>> - Another API for users to learn
>>> - Abstracting basic method calls is one thing but what about the more 
>>> complex object oriented features of the libraries?
>>> Not to mention that I think the reason that people have a javascript 
>>> library preference in the first place is because they are familiar with the 
>>> APIs, but if we abstract the API away then they don't really gain that 
>>> benefit.
>>> IMO sometimes trying to be everything to everybody just ends up with us 
>>> being too complex for anybody and what we really need to do is just pick a 
>>> javascript library and stick with it.
>>> Regards
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/06/2010, at 4:42 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> I'm not a JavaScript expert, so I don't have any strong opinions on the 
>>>> choice of a library. I have some suggestions, however.
>>>> I haven't looked at the JavaScript library integration lately, but I 
>>>> recall that it started out with creating "connector code" in selectall.js. 
>>>> In other words, selectall.js was used as a facade so the third-party 
>>>> library can be swapped out without too much effort.
>>>> That's why JavaScript function arguments are sent as Strings - so the 
>>>> String arguments can be parsed into whatever form the third-party library 
>>>> needs.
>>>> While this effort is underway, it would be nice if we could have a 
>>>> separate file for the library facade. I think selectall.js was used at the 
>>>> start out of laziness - the file was already there. Now the name of that 
>>>> file doesn't match its contents.
>>>> -Adrian
>>>> On 6/8/2010 8:17 AM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:
>>>>> Le 08/06/2010 16:12, Sascha Rodekamp a écrit :
>>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>>> i started the work to update the Dojo libary to the current version 1.4.
>>>>>> And i have to say that it didn't satisfy me to work on every Dojo based
>>>>>> JaveScript for a little version update. It will coast a lot of time to
>>>>>> test
>>>>>> and update all the JavaScript Code. And what we have at the end a new
>>>>>> heavy
>>>>>> Dojo libary which brings a lot of widget but it's hard to extend :-)
>>>>>> So i have another (maybe better idea). Why we didn't set Dojo and
>>>>>> Prototype
>>>>>> as depricated
>>>>>> and starting to use jQuerry. In my optinion jQuerry is a better invest in
>>>>>> the future. There are a lot of Widget/ Plugin's too and it's much lighter
>>>>>> than Dojo.
>>>>>> Instead of spending my time with updating all the Dojo stuff, i could
>>>>>> spend
>>>>>> my time to migrate all Prototype / Dojo based Code to jQuerry.
>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Hi Sascha,
>>>>> I think we have to make up our minds, and make a choice. Then, go for
>>>>> it. I had the same probleme as you a while ago, when introducing charting.
>>>>> Changing to another library is ok with me, but going from one to another
>>>>> every time is not.
>>>>> Maybe we should raise a vote, and then make with what the communauty has
>>>>> decided !
>>>>> Cheers,

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