Le 08/06/2010 16:12, Sascha Rodekamp a écrit :
Hey guys,

i started the work to update the Dojo libary to the current version 1.4.
And i have to say that it didn't satisfy me to work on every Dojo based
JaveScript for a little version update. It will coast a lot of time to test
and update all the JavaScript Code. And what we have at the end a new heavy
Dojo libary which brings a lot of widget but it's hard to extend :-)

So i have another (maybe better idea). Why we didn't set Dojo and Prototype
as depricated
and starting to use jQuerry. In my optinion jQuerry is a better invest in
the future. There are a lot of Widget/ Plugin's too and it's much lighter
than Dojo.

Instead of spending my time with updating all the Dojo stuff, i could spend
my time to migrate all Prototype / Dojo based Code to jQuerry.

What do you think?


Hi Sascha,

I think we have to make up our minds, and make a choice. Then, go for it. I had the same probleme as you a while ago, when introducing charting. Changing to another library is ok with me, but going from one to another every time is not. Maybe we should raise a vote, and then make with what the communauty has decided !



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