My personal opinion is that adding an additional layer of javascript has more 
downsides that it does upsides.
- More code to maintain
- Slightly hackish, multi-parameter strings?
- Another API for users to learn
- Abstracting basic method calls is one thing but what about the more complex 
object oriented features of the libraries?

Not to mention that I think the reason that people have a javascript library 
preference in the first place is because they are familiar with the APIs, but 
if we abstract the API away then they don't really gain that benefit.

IMO sometimes trying to be everything to everybody just ends up with us being 
too complex for anybody and what we really need to do is just pick a javascript 
library and stick with it.


On 9/06/2010, at 4:42 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> I'm not a JavaScript expert, so I don't have any strong opinions on the 
> choice of a library. I have some suggestions, however.
> I haven't looked at the JavaScript library integration lately, but I recall 
> that it started out with creating "connector code" in selectall.js. In other 
> words, selectall.js was used as a facade so the third-party library can be 
> swapped out without too much effort.
> That's why JavaScript function arguments are sent as Strings - so the String 
> arguments can be parsed into whatever form the third-party library needs.
> While this effort is underway, it would be nice if we could have a separate 
> file for the library facade. I think selectall.js was used at the start out 
> of laziness - the file was already there. Now the name of that file doesn't 
> match its contents.
> -Adrian
> On 6/8/2010 8:17 AM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:
>> Le 08/06/2010 16:12, Sascha Rodekamp a écrit :
>>> Hey guys,
>>> i started the work to update the Dojo libary to the current version 1.4.
>>> And i have to say that it didn't satisfy me to work on every Dojo based
>>> JaveScript for a little version update. It will coast a lot of time to
>>> test
>>> and update all the JavaScript Code. And what we have at the end a new
>>> heavy
>>> Dojo libary which brings a lot of widget but it's hard to extend :-)
>>> So i have another (maybe better idea). Why we didn't set Dojo and
>>> Prototype
>>> as depricated
>>> and starting to use jQuerry. In my optinion jQuerry is a better invest in
>>> the future. There are a lot of Widget/ Plugin's too and it's much lighter
>>> than Dojo.
>>> Instead of spending my time with updating all the Dojo stuff, i could
>>> spend
>>> my time to migrate all Prototype / Dojo based Code to jQuerry.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Cheers
>> Hi Sascha,
>> I think we have to make up our minds, and make a choice. Then, go for
>> it. I had the same probleme as you a while ago, when introducing charting.
>> Changing to another library is ok with me, but going from one to another
>> every time is not.
>> Maybe we should raise a vote, and then make with what the communauty has
>> decided !
>> Cheers,

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