
From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
> Please see inline:
> On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:11 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi Jacopo,
>> So apart the next step is to move all specialpurpose components to Apache 
>> Extras. Are we still all OK to do that?
> I don't think we should move all specialpurpose components out of the 
> project, and for sure not all of them in one shot: we could discuss on a per 
> component basis.

>> I heard here and there that not all the community is expecting good from 
>> this move.
> Of course it will be impossible to make everyone happy but the feedback I am 
> reading in this thread makes me happy (no dramatic tones, like happened in 
> the past, willing to evaluate pros and cons etc..).
> BTW, some time ago I also proposed an alternative path: see email with 
> subject "[PROPOSAL] from specialpurpose to extras": to that I can add that we 
> could provide two set of ant scripts, one similar to the one we have that 
> builds/tests everything (framework+applications+specialpurpose) and one (the 
> default) that only builds/tests the framework+applications; the release 
> branches may only contain the framework+applications and separate releases of 
> specialpurpose applications could be voted/released at different time. This 
> approach may reach two goals:
> 1) slim down the "main" code that the community is more focused to 
> improve/maintain/release
> 2) keep under the OFBiz community the ownership of all the other 
> specialpurpose components (this should address Paul's concerns); if one of 
> them will get more attention and interest and could grow in quality or it is 
> generic enough we could decide to move it to the release branch (maybe move 
> it to applications)

This sounds like a really smart way, I will have to read "[PROPOSAL] from 
specialpurpose to extras" (closer) again...

>> Like less attention to moved components or new component going only to 
>> Apache Extras.
>> An example is the new Solr component wich is supposed to be used with the 
>> eCommerce component.
> The problem I have with these components (and to be clear I am not referring 
> to this specific contribution) is that they are one particular implementation 
> (and very often not the best) of a requirement (e.g. Solr integration, 
> reporting tool, help system etc...) and there could be 100 others different 
> ways to implement the same: for example, even if everyone agrees that the 
> "online help" is useful, there are many doubts that the specific 
> implementation of it we are discussing is the right way to go; or even if 
> everyone agrees that a better reporting tool would be nice to have, there are 
> many that think that the current Birt component is not the right way to go.

100 others different ways I'm not sure ;) But yes I get your point. The problem 
is then to get things done in time... There is nothing perfect in this world 
(which does not mean I believe in another perfect world)...


> Kind regards,
> Jacopo
>> So far we agreed that the eCommerce component will be the only one (apart if 
>> we agree on it the new webhelp component) to stay in specialpurpose, right?
>> Thanks to one last time share your opinions, before the next move occurs...
>> Jacques
>> From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
>>> Thank you Jacques.
>>> I am going to work on the debian removal, that should be quick.
>>> Another important milestone would be the creation of an extras.html page 
>>> for our website where we could list:
>>> 1) the components for OFBiz managed out of the OFBiz as Apache Extras
>>> 2) the components moved to Attic (migrating the information currently in 
>>> Confluence)
>>> A short description in the page should describe the process.
>>> For this task a contributor/committer with good English skills would be 
>>> required. The final content of the page will be approved in this list 
>>> before it will be published.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Jacopo
>>> On Nov 15, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>> I don't see much activity recently
>>>> Should we not focus a bit more on it?
>>>> Jacques

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