On Nov 16, 2012, at 10:50 AM, Olivier Heintz wrote:

> I don't understand how it's possible to find a consensus on slim-down
> boundary or what should be in ofbiz kernel if there is no simple process
> to have a OFbiz with the selected functionalities.
> I clearly speak about addon manager.

Even if an OFBiz Plugin Manager would be a nice to have tool I don't think that 
without it we could not proceed with the removal of some components: it is true 
that this would require some manual steps (depending on the instructions of the 
component and on the type of deployment of the company using OFBiz) to plug-in 
the external component but it is also true that at the moment in order to have 
an OFBiz instance in production every company at least need the following 
skills: a database administrator (in order to fine tune db indexes, create db 
users, import data etc...), an architect (in order to identify the proper 
hardware and configuration for the application servers, database servers, web 
servers) and very often a developer (to extract data from legacy systems and 
import in OFBiz, to customize screens and processes, to debug problems etc...). 
Without this skill set all you can do is to setup a staging/demo box; if you 
have at least part of the skillset for a production system, manually deploying 
a couple more components would not be a big deal either.
The only real area where a user friendly OFBiz Plugin Manager tool would be 
required is in a multi tenant system served as saas: the user (of a tenant) 
could setup plugins that are visible to that tenant only.

Kind regards,


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