> one problem of integrating patches is that you need to test them if the 
> trunk builds are still OK or if some adjustments are necessary. However, 
> AFAIK no developer has a Solaris machine under the desk and therefore 
> it's not a good idea to commit fixes when you don't know what the 
> results are. ;-)

Look the people of LibreOffice have abandoned SunStudio and have
included such patches in their source tree and now LibreOffice
compiles just fine. In fact, OpenIndiana has a LibreOffice package.

> That's also the reason why the build environment still uses Sun Studio 
> and nothing else - instead or additional.

When I tried to compile with SunStudio I realized that the building
tools require a really ancient version of the compiler that has no
provision for language constructs, etc., that are included in the code.
For example, the template library is ancient and does not include
things that the source code expects. So practically it is next to
impossible to compile OpenOffice with SunStudio. Since you
are not going to change your mind, better remove all Solaris bits
so the make the code cleaner. Fortunately, the LibreOffice
people are more open-minded...


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece


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