Jonathan Pryor wrote:

> (This was the point to Michael's query about Butler Office -- for all we
> knew, Butler *had* a license from Sun to release it, and there's nothing
> anyone could have done about it it.  
Whoever "Butler office" is they had the same licence as all - LGPL. What
makes you think it could be anything else? Wow, how easy it is to get
some public interest. It's enough to give others some reasons to
cultivate their paranoia.

> We now know from Martin that this
> isn't the case.  However, we also have no assurance that Butler won't
> offer [insert obscene amount of money here] to Sun for a proprietary
> license to the code, and Sun wold be fully within their rights to accept
> this offer.  Would Sun accept such an offer?  Probably not today.  But
> in 10-20 years, under new management?  Who can say?)

The same is true for Novell and its projects, isn't it? Novell even
states explicitly that this is the reason why they ask for a copyright
assignment. Whether Novell already does business like that (Michael
calls it "ripping off people's code) is something I don't care for. I
just would like to stop this stupid discussion started by Michaels
ridiculous idea that Sun would make business with a "company" like
butler office. I still can't believe that this is really what he thinks.

> As for Gnome and the FSF, and this should be obvious, their requirements
> for copyright assignment (or lack thereof in the case of Gnome) really
> aren't relevant here, as neither organization is a commercial entity,

Agreed. It's relevant as an argument for the general usefulness of a
copyright assignment, but it doesn't help discussing the questions of
mistrust, paranoia and the like we have ended with.


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