Background before this gets any bigger...

For those who weren't on the smoothwall list... Tthe smoothwall project
involved Richard Morrell putting house and family on the line to
facilitate SmoothWall, all while putting up with many "it doesn't work
on my computer" whiners putting time-consuming requests on the s.w.
team. Mixed in amongst this were legitimate bug reports and recommended
fixes. The majority unfortunately drowned out the good few.
While I admire the work and personal resources Richard put in (and
indeed the whole smoothwall team were quite inventive and hard working)
the list degenerated into RM swearing at, and insulting the 'newbies' &
'whiners' and quite often taking an aggressive stance to problems. SW
went mainly commercial and went 'closed enough' to spark a fork - now
known as IPCop. (still uses SW patches AFAIK)

Regards "our" community :-

# Mitel has never publicly sworn at or publicly humiliated another
person in devinfo or 
# The sanctioned lists/fora(?) are distinctly set into
newbie/experienced/developer and even then the cross posts are reminded,
not hounded, to the correct resources.
# Mitel has accepted many of the patches submitted by the developer
community. While we wish they'd add in more, they have a market segment
they need to fill. (and supplemental kit to sell :)
# Although Mitel have been very welcoming, yes, they are not as
'bend-over-backwards' helpful as before. But then again nobody is these
days (see RedHat EOL and support costs...) I would prefer more
documentation, eg nuances of FormMagick and SME and officially
sanctioned howtos for things like the latest 5.6 Server-Manager panels,
but the contributed howto's are in being organised and the official
manuals are getting better all the time.

I thought this needed saying, as once in a while it makes sense to see
where we fit in regards to other developer communities, and while it's
not perfect, this community does get quite a lot done in a courteous

No, Mitel haven't deserved a fork and yes, e-smith hasn't been the same
as part of Mitel.
It just means we have to work better with each other.


Craig Foster

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brandon Friedman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 7:56 PM
> Subject: RE: [e-smith-devinfo] Central contrib and howto location
> I must be honest, this type of step leads to a possible "fork" project
> of SME server. It is very similar to what happended with 
> Smoothwall and IPCop.

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