On Fri, 2015-10-16 at 19:37 +0200, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Am Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015, 12:09:09 schrieb Florent Daigniere:
> > I don't know how to make any
> > form of opennet securely work for them. Do you?
> For all of my knowledge, Opennet always was only about getting
> users. Making it easy to have a somewhat usable Freenet from the
> start. Because no matter how cool the tool, if no one uses it,
> publishing over it is useless, because what you publish reaches no
> one.
> If a chinese dissident wants to reach foreign people, Freenet has to
> be usable for both.

I don't see how that's different from what I wrote. I guess we have
different definitions for "usable".

opennet -> open topology -> trivial to censor
opennet -> some form of centralisation -> trivial to DoS

Look at what happened to "alternative" technologies like Tor; they're
like opennet, in a constant arms-race:

topology is in the concensus -> blocked
introduction of bridges -> enumeration of bridges
introduction of bridge-buckets -> improvement of the enumeration
transport plugins -> ...

Do we have the resources to fight it? Is it a good use of our (limited)

If you think about the problem hard enough, you'll realise that they've
been lucky so far; the "other side" hasn't done any of the (trivial)
attacks that'd really hurt.

It's okay for them (they're about pseudo-anonymity) and not okay for us
(assuming that censorship resistance is what we do).


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