Am Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015, 11:29:31 schrieb Florent Daigniere:
> On Fri, 2015-10-16 at 19:37 +0200, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> > Am Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015, 12:09:09 schrieb Florent Daigniere:
> > > I don't know how to make any
> > > form of opennet securely work for them. Do you?
> > 
> > For all of my knowledge, Opennet always was only about getting
> > users. Making it easy to have a somewhat usable Freenet from the
> > start. Because no matter how cool the tool, if no one uses it,
> > publishing over it is useless, because what you publish reaches no
> > one.
> > 
> > If a chinese dissident wants to reach foreign people, Freenet has to
> > be usable for both.
> I don't see how that's different from what I wrote. I guess we have
> different definitions for "usable".

I  don’t  think  we  actually  disagree  on  anything  important.  The
differences are just in the nuances — and the general approach.

> opennet -> open topology -> trivial to censor
> opennet -> some form of centralisation -> trivial to DoS
> Look at what happened to "alternative" technologies like Tor; they're
> like opennet, in a constant arms-race:
> topology is in the concensus -> blocked
> introduction of bridges -> enumeration of bridges
> introduction of bridge-buckets -> improvement of the enumeration
> techniques
> transport plugins -> ...
> Do we have the resources to fight it? Is it a good use of our (limited)
> resources/time?

Here’s an example of my reason for supporting opennet: A good friend
who uses Freenet specifically to communicate with me (in a way where I
can write freely) told me a few weeks ago “I now activated »connect to
strangers« and now Freenet works well”.

Now I can send a N2N message with a link to a file I uploaded into
Freenet and my friend can actually download it.

Since we have no darknet FOAF, I’m actively introducing friends with
similar interests to each other, but that is slow and unreliable.

I want a button where I can simply select 4 darknet friends and click
“introduce”, then get a text field where I can write a few lines for
each contact and have them receive the other noderefs — getting a
message where they can simply check the boxes of the friends they want
to add and then click “connect”.

But even more I want FOAF routing in darknet, so that a single noderef
suffices to get good connectivity.

Yesterday Germany added mandatory 10 weeks data retention, and I sent
my “connect-via-freenet” mail around again. It would be simply great
if Freenet were fast with a single noderef, because then I would not
have to tell them “you might have to enable opennet if you want good
performance”, even though they do know someone who runs Freenet.

> It's okay for them (they're about pseudo-anonymity) and not okay for us
> (assuming that censorship resistance is what we do).

I agree.

Best wishes,
A man in the streets faces a knife.
Two policemen are there it once. They raise a sign:

    “Illegal Scene! Noone may watch this!”

The man gets robbed and stabbed and bleeds to death.
The police had to hold the sign.

…Welcome to Europe, citizen. Censorship is beautiful.

   ( )

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