On Thu, 2015-10-15 at 15:02 -0500, Ian wrote:
> Regarding Java, I don't agree that we should adopt some other
> programming
> language because it's "cool" and Java isn't.  In fact "coolness" is
> perhaps
> the worst possible basis on which to select a programming language!
> Java is still the world's most popular programming language, and
> while it
> somewhat stagnated under Sun, Oracle is making progress again, Java8
> is the
> most significant release since Java5.  I think Java is still the
> right bet
> for these reasons.

Just clarifying so that we're all on the same page: We've always
prioritized other things over paying our technical debt: Freenet is
mostly java 1.4 ... despite us setting the compat level to 1.6

We're very far from a java8 codebase


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