You might want to look into maintaining a subreddit and other social media accounts. Its a way to reach more people.

Reddit fundraising was a big success last year with tens of thousands of dollars for privacy projects.

On 2015-10-18 15:54, Matthew Toseland wrote:
On 18/10/15 10:03, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
Am Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2015, 01:47:05 schrieb
Adding latency is a bad idea and actually less effective than you
believe compared to other ways.
As far as I can see by quick skimming, this is only about interactive
use of centralized services. “Latency is prohibitive” applies to a
much lower degree if the local service can do significant prefetching,
and if you can get stuff in massively parallel ways (like getting 20
chunks of a 400 kiB file simultaneously from 20 different sources
using 20 different routes).
Multi-sourcing does not improve anonymity - it tends to reduce it.

The point here is that *for some use cases*, where latency can be
tolerated, Mixminion-style mixes work well. These cases include email
(for some uses anyway) and big Freenet inserts (at least on darknet),
where it will take a day or so anyway so delaying the insert isn't a big

Mixes are similar to onion routing but they are actual mixes - some
number of messages go in and the same number go out, in some fixed time
period. This gives them provable properties against traffic analysis.

However I will have a look at the paper when I have time.
Slowing down the network pushes away users and less trees in the forest
degrades anonymity.

See above.
Which is a good reason to not multiply the hop count by 6, as you are
proposing, by hiding *every* node behind a hidden service. I agree that
it might make sense at some point to support optionally using Tor for
initiating requests.

If we were going to build something on top of a mixnet, it wouldn't be
Freenet. You'd want a very shallow DHT - maybe even 1-hop - and to
return data directly to the requestor, for large enough requests
(probably increasing the block size to make this cheaper). But feel free
to fork our client layer and replace the routing and connection levels.
Freenet should move to secure crypto primitives right now. DH 1024 is
dead and SHA1 should not be used for jar verification.
This is already happening.
Why do we use SHA1 for Jar verification? Is this a JDK1.6 limitation?

Nothing in Freenet itself uses SHA1.

And yes, we need ECC-based SSKs. This has been discussed, there are bugs
for it. There isn't funding for it right now.
Are Freenet's papers on
If not, it would be great if you could get them there:

For funding you should include as many payment methods as you can to
make donations convenient. Your new frontpage should include a
fundraising bar for year base costs. Then you say for any extra money
you direct users to a detailed roadmap for planned Freenet features with
estimates for manhour costs to develop. A visual representation
motivates donators and makes them feel they are giving money towards
something defined.
What do you think about the donation bar on
In general I agree, however IMHO we need people for base costs. Servers
and accounts are cheap. But we can't spend money developing huge changes
which then can't be merged because the volunteer release manager(s)
don't have time to review them. And there will often be things that need doing quickly, or that aren't obviously important to donors. So I'm very
sceptical about bounties.
Go for research grants if you can and try talking at
universities and privacy conferences to recruit researchers.
I applied at, but I can’t predict whether it will work
out. The CENO folks applied for a grant at another position, too,
which should include work from freenet developers, if they do get the
grant. If you have other places where people with limited experience
in running on grants can apply, please note them here.
Agreed we should apply for grants.

However in the more specific academic sense, research grants are
important because they result in papers that occasionally have something
we can deploy - last year we implemented simple but hugely important
changes to opennet based on a published paper. What research grants
don't do is result in usable code. We need to look at more general
funding options, and I absolutely agree that we need more academic
attention - but in recent years we seem to be getting it, which is great.

If we're lucky, my academic project this year will fix load management.

We've done a huge amount of work since 0.7.5. Why don't we try the
traditional approach of releasing 0.8.0, getting some publicity and
asking for donations?
Best wishes,

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