They frown on bittorrent yes but because it takes up limited exit bandwidth. Theoretically Freenet is contained in the network and not exiting. Recent statistics Tor put out say only 3% of total network bandwidth goes to hidden service traffic, very underused. Total connection is 6 hops but the latency is in ms and won't be the bottleneck for Freenet. They are planning a extra mode that hides clients but not the service only 3 hops.

Tor can be told to authenticate connections to a hidden service and anyone without a generated pass code won't get in. Maybe good for Darknet.

They are also replacing AES-CBC with AEZ for performance and stopping cell tampering.

Tor bridges work for hundred of thousands of users from Iran and China so they are doing something right. Sybil doesn't always win if you raise costs.

Syndie doesn't do the distributing they recommend you for that :)


Adding latency is a bad idea and actually less effective than you believe compared to other ways.

Slowing down the network pushes away users and less trees in the forest degrades anonymity.

Freenet should move to secure crypto primitives right now. DH 1024 is dead and SHA1 should not be used for jar verification.

Are Freenet's papers on

For funding you should include as many payment methods as you can to make donations convenient. Your new frontpage should include a fundraising bar for year base costs. Then you say for any extra money you direct users to a detailed roadmap for planned Freenet features with estimates for manhour costs to develop. A visual representation motivates donators and makes them feel they are giving money towards something defined. Go for research grants if you can and try talking at universities and privacy conferences to recruit researchers.

On 2015-10-17 18:41, Matthew Toseland wrote:
On 17/10/15 01:33, wrote:
Right now Freenet discovers other clients on opennet by way of seed
nodes. Hypothetically you can run the nodes as hidden services and
embed the addresses in Freenet clients. Clients generate their own
hidden address keys and build routing tables from them.
I don't think hiding entire nodes behind tunnels makes sense. That is,
we don't want *every hop* on a hidden service. That would multiply the
number of hops by 4 (or was it 6?). And it would upset the Tor
developers - who already frown on the use of Bittorrent over Tor (which
is surprisingly hard to get right regardless). However, it might make
sense to use a tunnel *just on the first hop* when starting a request,
i.e. keep some subset of connections which are hidden nodes to start
requests on.

However, IMHO the focus for security should be on darknet, at least
until we sort out the major performance and usability issues with it.
Even if you DO know other people on Freenet, darknet is too slow and too
No distributed system on I2P or Tor comes close to Freenet features.
Have you used them? I vaguely recall something called Syndie on I2P?
WoT, library, the plugin ecosystem and Opennet bring a lot of value
compared to other systems. Opennet is a big part of Freenet's
attraction and you shouldn't tear it out.
I'm certainly not proposing to tear out opennet.
The tunneling idea sounds great and it should get priority. Maybe you
should discuss it with the Tor developers and see if they can help.

PS what NSA documents mention contractors attacking Freenet?
I don't recall, was it on the Tor Stinks intro??


Freenet has many selling points besides anonymity as I said. I'm
surprised you don't see that.

Tor is not easily blocked by China and people connect from behind the
Great Firewall everyday. They've been making all kinds of advancements
in bridge technology and obfuscated protocols to bypass DPI. They have
ways to distribute bridges and software packages that get around
censorship of their website. Infrastructure for your users potentially.
Not true now AFAIK. China has been taking Tor seriously, so has Iran.
China came up with a 0day and used it for blocking at the protocol
level, but really, it's pretty easy to find all the bridges, it just
costs a few thousand Google accounts, which cost << 10 cents each. If
users can find the bridges then so can the bad guys, and cheaply too.
This is a fundamental problem with all end-user distributed systems on
the internet: Sybil always wins, because any resource (CAPTCHAs, Google
Phone Verified Accounts, hashcash, etc) is cheaper for an attacker than
a low-end user.

I am a Freenet user. I care about Freenet and want it to be popular
with people facing most dangerous threats.

Tor is adding inter-relay adaptive padding soon to stop timing attacks.
That would be neat. For many years it was believed that only full CBR
would make much difference against global traffic analysis - and even
then you have internal attacks. I understand there have been some recent
papers about padding and chaff etc that make significant progress
without the cost of full CBR.

However, on Freenet, we could reasonably use Mixminion-style
high-latency tunnels (at least for inserts). It's not clear whether this
is viable on opennet.

How did Freenet solve this? If a bad node can connect to you on
Opennet, they can do traffic analysis on your requests. With no guard
nodes an attacker can connect to everyone in short time. You can add
node pinning and tunnels but that's a lot of work.
We don't solve it. Freenet provides less anonymity than Tor right now -
at least in opennet mode, and depending on your assumptions. On the
other hand, running a freesite is easier than safely running a hidden

In particular, connecting to every node on opennet and observing their
traffic is quite feasible for a moderately funded attacker. On the other
hand, it appears that MAST (a theoretical, much cheaper attack that
worried me for many years) isn't feasible.

I do think we could provide better anonymity than Tor in the long run
though. But we can't prevent blocking - *any* peer-to-peer network
running over the regular Internet can be detected cheaply.

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