On Mon, 2015-11-02 at 06:28 -0500, Steve Dougherty wrote:
> On 11/02/2015 06:26 AM, Steve Dougherty wrote:
> > On 11/02/2015 06:21 AM, Bob Ham wrote:
> >> On Mon, 2015-11-02 at 05:54 -0500, Steve Dougherty wrote:
> >>> one
> >>> may observe that we have not written up protocol documentation, making
> >>> that our current strategy.
> >>
> >> I'm not sure what you mean; what are you referring to with the word
> >> "that"?  What is your current strategy?
> > 
> > The current strategy is to not document things. I think calling it a
> > strategy is a stretch because a strategy requires coordination and
> > planning. No one has wanted to document the protocol, so it hasn't
> > gotten documented.
> Er, that's poor phrasing. No one has wanted to document the protocol
> enough to document it themselves. I'm not being insightful here - it
> hasn't happened, so our "strategy" is to not do it.

You're right, that's not a strategy.

Regardless, I think there's some confusion here.  I'm not talking about
a strategy for creating a file containing information about the Freenet
protocol.  What I'm talking about a strategy for getting the protocol to
a point where it's worth other people implementing it and then writing
high quality documentation that allows them to do so, possibly even
publishing an RFC describing it.

It seems that nobody here believes that in five years' time Freenet
developers will be publishing an RFC.  Instead, people seem to be
focussed on updating the website, worrying about user interface niggles
and fretting over whether users can install new versions of Fred easily

I'm talking about a strategy for getting the project to a point where it
can actually have meaningful impact on the world.  There doesn't seem to
be any direction in the project.  There's some software and some kind of
community around it but there seems to be no vision of how to move
forward to a point where the project contributes to something wider.

What is the priority of the project, is it to ensure that as many
Windows users as possible have a little Freenet icon in their status
tray?  Or is it to play a role in creating a world where nobody really
uses Windows because they recognise how massive a threat it is to their
privacy and security?  At the moment the priority seems to be the former
and there seems to be no idea about how to approach the latter (a
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