On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 4:04 AM, Bob Ham <r...@settrans.net> wrote:
> I will now make a concrete suggestion: start writing things down.

It's interesting that you would point to the Hurd as an example of how a
software project should be run, perhaps if they had spent more time on code
and less on documentation, as Linux did, Linux wouldn't have utterly won
that battle.  The GNU Hurd is a cautionary tale, not a model for software

As for your belief that documentation will solve everything (as it clearly
didn't for GNU Hurd),  you may not be aware of the "Agile manifesto", which
has become the dominant project management methodology over the past 15
years or so.  On of the tenants of this is "Working software over
comprehensive documentation".

You may also be unaware that in the ideal case, well-written code is
self-documenting, making external documentation unnecessary.  This is one
of the tenants of the "clean code" methodology.  Unfortunately our codebase
certainly does not live up to this ideal, however time would be better
spent improving our code such that it is self-documenting, rather than
producing vast amounts of documentation nobody will read.

I don't claim that we are perfect, far from it, but if you think that
dropping everything and producing vast amounts of documentation will solve
anything, I'm afraid you're mistaken.

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