I had some further though on this. When I first brought this idea up
people were concerned that it might destabilise the network having a
low and high speed links. On further thought this would not be the
case for the following reasons.

Node A has 6 links all normal speed. Node B has 6 links all normal
speed. Node A and B have a seventh high speed link between them. While
this would speed up there information exchange it would have no other
affect on the freenet because the phenomenon is localised. The 12
normal links limit the high speed flow effects to the two nodes only
and it would not propagate further down the network.

The concept behind the high speed links was to enable faster
propagation of data between those nodes. It would in effect be a
pipeline of rapid propagation between 12 nodes. I understand this goes
against the entire concept of distributed information replication via
multiple sources in freenet but the propagation of data is already so
slow I get the impression freenet needs it.

>From what Thomas has above said it seems the smaller links are more
heavily utilised. So again it seems my limited understanding of how
freenet distributes data is the flaw in this request. I just cant get
past the fact that 10k/s x 7-8 nodes means a long time for large data

Anyway thanks for listening :-)

Kind Regards


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