Scott Bowling wrote:

>Taran Rampersad wrote:
>>I use an USB key for a lot of this stuff... but the problem is that I
>>can't depend on machines to have the software that I use, and so on. 
>>So I carry a laptop. But I agree. I'd much rather prefer walking 
>>around with my USB key.
>Well, you can put the apps on the key as well, and you can also put the
>OS (Linux) on it or bring along a boot CD. Since booting machines is
>often not possible, be sure to check out the Portable Virtual Privacy
>Machine link below.
LOL, I know that Scott. I run Knoppix on one of my USB keys, but the
fact remains that there's just not enough space for what I need (yet?)
and also there is also the need for me to still run Windows because
other people haven't caught on, and thus I require a Windows interface
to them, which comes with it's own bloat. If I stayed on with SSC(LG,
LJ, Tux), I'd probably be full blown Linux right now because of the
context of what I was doing. But that's not my context now. Unfortunate.
And using a webmail interface sucks with PGP. :-)

Toss in the main problem - when I want to use a PC, I don't want to
stand in line. Nobody does. :-)

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad

Coming on January 1st, 2006:

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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