Cell phones are not just getting attention on campuses in general as per
your statement, but they have also been a major concern in libraries in


Library Policy - Cell Phones

The Nealley Library is committed to providing an environment that is
conducive to study as well as welcoming to all users.  This policy was
developed in response to concerns from students and faculty about the
increased noise in the Library due to cell phone use.

When you enter the Library please turn off your cell phones and do not
conduct any cell phone conversations in the Library.

Anyone refusing to adhere to this policy will be asked to leave the


  OHSU Library
OHSU Library Policy on Cell Phone and Pager Use

The OHSU Library is committed to providing an environment that is
comfortable but conducive to study. Noise from the use of cell phones and
pagers is disruptive to a study environment. Therefore, the use of these
devices in open study areas of the library is prohibited.
If you must be on call and are using a cell phone or pager, set the device
to a non-audible signal. If you are responding to a call or page, proceed
to the lobby outside the Library entrance or to the paging phone corridors
on the west end of each floor. Conversations should be kept brief and
conform to HIPAA privacy standards.

Library users wishing to report inappropriate cell phone use can contact a
library staff member at one of the service desks. The Library reserves the
right to ask anyone to leave the Library if he/she is using a cell phone
or pager in a prohibited area or disturbing others in any area of the


Web  Results 1 - 10 of about 665 for "cell phones" and "library policy".

Cell phones do not sell well in libraries, particularly college ones.

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204 - 4584
Digital Divide Network


On Sat, 1 Oct 2005, John Hibbs wrote:

> At 12:23 AM +0100 10/1/05, Cindy Lemcke-Hoong wrote:
> >For the young, and some professionals, cell phone and
> >WIFI are fashionable and/or on the go. But is it a
> >MUST? I wonder.

> Cindy, at the University of Oregon I see large numbers walking
> through this lovely campus, heavy with trees and the colors of Fall,
> the ears glued to a cell phone. If one is near or with those in their
> early 20's, on can't play a game of pool, have a uninterrupted
> conversation, eat a meal without the interruption of a phone ring,
> followed quickly by "Hi Jimmy - what's up". Followed by inane
> conversation (usually brief) (followed by text messaging).

> I call it the Tyranny of the Instant. And it seems to be getting worse.

> Signed,
> Complaining geezer
> --
> John W. Hibbs
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