At 6:08 PM +0100 10/2/05, Cindy Lemcke-Hoong wrote:

When I used to teach there was a rule we all observed,
both instructors and trainees, cell phones and pages
off or on vibration

Taking up your suggestion, maybe this DOES make for a new thread? Or does not?

The best collegiate professor I had, History of Russia, was one who allowed you on Exam Day to come into the room as early as the room opened. There, the exams were available for pick up...but no one was allowed to put pen to paper until 20 minutes after the official time that the class started. Twenty minutes was an eternity...but the point was the professor wanted to get you to THINK -

Then, damn this guy, he would give a question like: What started the Russian Revolution? Then, he would downgrade you for a long, windy answer.

What he wanted was a VERY few, VERY thoughtful words that showed you had insight into the matter, and the ability to squeeze good thoughts into a few words that would be memorable.

I think the twenty minute delay was part of his success. A bigger part was his effort to make sure you THOUGHT before you opened you mouth.



John W. Hibbs

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