Don't fear the 'old guard'.  Don't let them push you around.  In fact, push
When it gets down to it, they're pretty harmless and really just fun to

If you got the license, you have every right to be here as these they do.

We must get beyond the technocratic caste system as it does no one any good.

This practice of judging someone's character, based on what mode they do/do
not use
or how their call sign is formatted or worse, the class of their license, is

We don't need quiet bands. Unless we want the bands taken away from us.
Get on and operate.  Be active.

Explore all the aspects of this great hobby.

Please, try out all these wonderful digital modes that the developers have
worked so hard to provide us with to enjoy.

Don't about those who claim to have, "been here first".
These people have low self esteem and have a need to beat down others so
they'll feel
good about themselves.

I had deal with the "old guard'  when I first came in to this hobby.  You
know what?
They all got old and died and the bands became a better place for it.

We were shunned because we wanted to operate packet stations and heavens
hook up a computer to it.  This was the 80's and we were still living in
caves then.

This hobby...this thing that we do, only gets better by inclusion and and

We must welcome every new op to hobby with open arms and recognize that they
are the ones who will save us from our own narrow mindedness.

philw de ka1gmn

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Brian Denley <> wrote:

> You would think those 'old guard' guys would consider that we used to have
> to know binary and 2's complement math to use a computer at all. The
> technology got to the point where you didn't need those 'older' skills. We
> are better for it.
> Brian Denley
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Hensley" < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 4:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Techs on HF digital
> Another problem is that the "old guard" who have an axe to grind against
> new
> amateurs due to the change in licensing requirements and other new FCC
> policies to go with that change which occurred back in Feb of 2007, are
> running new amateurs off in droves.
> Hazing or outright threatening behavior by hams licensed before Feb of 2007
> is another reason new hams are not getting on the air. I went through this
> myself. A mentality has arisen that "amateur radio is only for listening
> and
> you're never supposed to transmit". Everyone wants the bands quiet and
> wants
> the next amateur to just stop operating.
> --- On Tue, 12/15/09, Glenn L. Roeser 
> <<>>
> wrote:

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