charles-h.schulz wrote:
(B> Hello Catch,
(B> 1$B!k(B The initiative was not really followed outside the NLC
(B1. NLC$B0J30$G!"%3!<%IL>$rIU$1$k$H$$$&OC$K>h$C$F$/$k?M$,$"$^$j$$$J$+$C$?!#(B
(B> 2$B!k(B There was a (more or less true) critic saying that naming
(B> releases meant behaving like Microsoft (with their Stinger,
(B> Longhorn, etc.) 
(B2. $BHcH=E*$J0U8+$H$7$F!"%3!<%IL>$rIU$1$k$N$O(B Microsoft 
(BMicrosoft $B$O(B Stinger $B$H$+(B Longhorn 
(B> and that was not in the "spirit of open source
(B> and free software to name releases like that".
$B$N@:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"$H$$$&$3$H$G$7$?!#(B
(B> 3$B!k(B It seems that there was a lot of confusion. 
(B3. $B$^$?%3!<%IL>$K$D$$$F:.Mp$7$??M$,B?$+$C$?$h$&$G$9!#(B
(B> For instance, we
(B> had a code name for the 1.1.3 (Hakone) but then, it was for a
(B> micro-release. 
$BNc$($P!"(B1.1.3 $B$N%3!<%IL>$O(B Hakone $B$G$7$?!#(B
(B> What should we do for the major release (2.0)?
$B$G$O!"%a%8%c!<%j%j!<%9(B 2.0 $B$K$D$$$F$O$I$&$9$Y$-$J$N$+!#(B
(B> Should we put it on the same level? The 1.1.3 is supposedly
(B> less important than the 2.0, so it could be better to only
(B> name the major releases.
(B1.1.3 $B$H(B 2.0 $B$rF1$8%l%Y%k$G9M$($F$$$$$N$+!#(B
(B1.1.3 $B$H(B 2.0 $B$rHf$Y$?>l9g!"%j%j!<[EMAIL PROTECTED],9b$$$N$+!#(B
(B> At some point, the Marketing project and the NLC agreed to
(B> stop the official naming of releases
(B> and decided that, if the
(B> Japanese project wanted, we could name them informally.
(B> In short, the plan was brought to an end :-( but maybe someday
(B> we can bring it back to life. 
(B> I think both of us should try to
(B> think about new ways to revamp this initiative.
(B> I personnally really liked this initiative. 
$B8D?ME*$K$O!"%3!<%IL>$rIU$1$k$H$$$&$3$H$KBg;[EMAIL PROTECTED](B
(B> I'm trying to
(B> suggest something similar: naming a "native-lang project of
(B> the month". 
(B> One project per month would set up a page (outside
(B> the main site) with pictures, a little bit of details on their
(B> culture, languages, and themselves. 
