Hi charles,

charles-h.schulz wrote:
I have one question.
Do you know code-name plan?
Prague, Hakone, Berlin.

What is next code-name for OOo2.0?
Is this end?
I think this is good plan for all of N-L projects.
Do you think about it?

The code name plan is indeed a good initiative. But it was a
bit hard because of several reasons:

1ï The initiative was not really followed outside the NLC
2ï There was a (more or less true) critic saying that naming
releases meant behaving like Microsoft (with their Stinger,
Longhorn, etc.) and that was not in the "spirit of open source
and free software to name releases like that".
3ï It seems that there was a lot of confusion. For instance, we had a code name for the 1.1.3 (Hakone) but then, it was for a
micro-release. What should we do for the major release (2.0)?
Should we put it on the same level? The 1.1.3 is supposedly
less important than the 2.0, so it could be better to only
name the major releases.

At some point, the Marketing project and the NLC agreed to
stop the official naming of releases and decided that, if the
Japanese project wanted, we could name them informally. In short, the plan was brought to an end :-( but maybe someday
we can bring it back to life. I think both of us should try to
think about new ways to revamp this initiative.

OK. I see.

I personnally really liked this initiative. I'm trying to
suggest something similar: naming a "native-lang project of
the month". One project per month would set up a page (outside
the main site) with pictures, a little bit of details on their
culture, languages, and themselves. There would be no contest,
but still it would be interesting. What do you think about that?

---- Please transrate to english ---- ããããããããæãããã charlesãããããããåããããçãäããããããèããããã

ããããããN-L Projectããããããã

ãããOwn Native Langããããäãããããããããããããããã

ããããcharlesããããããã"native-lang project of the month"ã
èãããããããæããããäæãææ N-Lãæåããããããããèèã

Altavista Babel Fish(http://world.altavista.com/)ãããããæåããäã

Yutaka Kachi

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