> it would be nice to see a generic approach to this problem. There a lots
> of other plugins that need additonal markup which should not "exist"
> when scripting is disabled.
> Maybe you can document your research on the topic.
> In case you consider generating the markup via js, this entry (with all
> the comments) could be a good start:
> http://mg.to/2006/02/27/easy-dom-creation-for-jquery-and-prototype

What everyone is getting at - and I agree - is that the extra
(non-semantic) markup should be included dynamically by the plugin.
The code to do so would be trivial:

    .wrap("<div class='jcarousel'><div class='jcarousel-clip'></div></div>")
    .parent().before("<img src='prev-disabled.gif'
class='jcarousel-prev' /><img src='next-disabled.gif"
class="jcarousel-next' />");

Which would give you identical markup to what you have, if you target
the OL or UL directly. Additionally, I would recommend that you wrap
the images in additional helper <div>, giving the developer the
ability to fully customize the layout with CSS (rather than being
forced to use the <img> element).


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