It seems the best of all possible email worlds might be to:

(1) allow emails to carry either one or many labels (which, we know is
already a gmail function); but there's no reason in Outlook or
elsewhere, even using the paper/files/folders metaphor, not to allow
content to appear in more than one folder--in the paper-centric
paradigm people made multiple copies to store in various
files/folders, so it's not even a paper-driven problem)

(2) allow "labeled emails" to appear, or not appear, in your In Box.
The "inbox is as empty as I want it to be"...only as long as I am
looking at a labeled set of emails. And true at that point you're
looking at a smaller subset, and "emptier" inbox.

But sometimes it may be desirable to treat the in box as an
unfiltered, unlabeled zone. Meaning---I want the option not only to
sort by labels, but for labeled emails to effectively *disappear*
(into "folders" or wherever---the metaphor is immaterial) when I don't
want to see them.  When I want to clear them away, out of sight.  And
only see the uncategorized stuff.

My other gripe with gmail is around scalability/performance. I've had
gmail a long time, and not finding it scales very well. A couple of
thousand emails are archived and in my inbox, and frequently gmail
crashes after doing a search and trying to open old email, especially
with attachments.

On 10/10/07, Phillip Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bianka,
> You wrote: "I do miss the folders. I like archiving, getting rid of emails
> in the inbox. I don't understand why the folder model is supposed to be
> broken."
> What is different between old-style folders and archiving labeled gmails
> then clicking on the labels to see them?  My inbox is as empty as I want it
> to be, my older saved email is organized the way I want it, and I get
> smarter "folders" that can "share" emails.
> I also use Outlook (for work) and the folders often frustrate me.  I would
> like to organize many times across 2 or 3 overlapping but non-hierarchical
> dimensions (e.g., client, product, idea).  Outlook does not support that.
> Windows doesn't either.  And what I would give for labeling in Windows.
> The real-life use of folders is just as broken for me and many other
> paper-averse geeks.  So it doesn't work as a metaphor for me either.
> ph
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